
Super Six Pack

$59.95 Free!

Sample the range of WorldGAMES unique experiential training activities for under $10 a game!

Here are 6 of our favourite, all-time winning games carefully selected to show the breadth and depth of learning that are possible with experiential activities. Maximum fun, maximum learning and maximum value!


Sample the range of WorldGAMES unique experiential training activities for under $10 a game!

Here are 6 of our favourite, all-time winning games carefully selected to show the breadth and depth of learning that are possible with experiential activities. Maximum fun, maximum learning and maximum value!

All Aboard

Task: Teams of participants try to fit into rope boats that are too small for them long enough to sing a full chorus of “Row, row, row your boat …”.

Final team game that illustrates the benefits and synergy of teams in action and working collaboratively (10 mins)

Animal Teams

Task: Participants are each given a slip of paper with an animal on it. They must find their teams making only their animal noises

Short, fun and energetic team formation exercise – illustrates the power of communicating without words (5 mins)

Apollo 13 Game

Task: Teams are challenged to save the Astronauts aboard Apollo 13 by making an air filter that will fit two different sockets from the jumble of available items on board the spacecraft.

Strategic planning, problem solving and resource utilisation all rolled into one fun activity. (20 mins)

Basket Ball Bonus

Task: Teams help their best thrower to get balls into a bucket whilst overcoming a series of barriers

High energy problem solving game challenging participants to adopt a creative orientation when confronted by barriers to team performance and in so doing improve results despite the apparent handicap (30 mins)

Castle Keeps II

Task: Teams begin by making the tallest mediaeval castle out of paper, straws and tape. Then deal with an abundance of changes that transform their castle completely

A very challenging, fun, team action game with continual changes and role plays that will test participants’ ability to stay on task and support their leader (40 mins)

Relay Challenge

Task: Teams race each other in a kids style relay race with egg and spoon, sack, wheelbarrow, chariot and three legged race components

An exciting and energetic relay race that will challenge participant’s mental models and assumptions and demonstrate how to achieve extraordinary results (20 mins)

Each game in a WorldGAMES Games Pack includes a full description of how to play, a list of required equipment, approximate timing, venue requirements, full facilitator's script and optional variations.

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