Active Business Learning Games and Exercise Summaries

Experiential Training Games

Active Business Learning GamesOur games are powerful metaphors for what happens in the workplace. They are fun, mostly competitive, have rules and winners. As children we learn best through playing games and as adults they are just as effective.

Our many experiential training games are now available for you to use in a variety of games and exercise packs.

View our Games Summaries pdf


Active Business Learning ExercisesExercises are non competitive learning activities that lead participants to a desired outcome. Like games they are fun, active and effective learning tools. Unlike games, there are no set rules and many of them can be played alone. Games and exercises used in conjunction with each other form a very powerful learning combination.

Our experiential exercises are now available for you to use in a variety of games and exercise packs.

View our Exercise Summaries pdf


For ordering information, see the WorldGAMES online store home page.

Read our Tips for Using Experiential Training Games.

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