Shipping Options

Immediate Download – FREE

Most of the WorldGAMES Training products on this website are available for immediate download.  Where this is available, your downloads will be available on the website after completion of payment.  You will also receive an email which includes the download links, in case you were unable to complete the download straight away.

Email – FREE

For those items which are not yet available for immediate download, our recommended method of delivery is via email. Email delivery is FREE and your selected WorldGAMES products will be emailed to you, in Adobe PDF format, as soon as we receive your order.

Airmail – $24.00

Alternatively, you may choose to have your WorldGAMES products delivered on CD. Airmail delivery of the CD should take 5 – 7 days, depending on the country you are in.

Please contact us at if you have further questions regarding shipping and delivery.